Sunday, 24 April 2011

:I: M - T :I: Oldest Masjid in the World.........


10 Oldest Masjid in the World

The designation of the oldest Masjid in the world requires careful use of definitions, and must be divided into two parts, the oldest in the sense of oldest surviving building, and the oldest in the sense of oldest Masjid congregation. Even here, there is the distinction between old Masjid buildings that have been in continuous use as Masjid, and those that have been converted to other purposes; and between buildings that have been in continuous use as Masjid and those that were shuttered for many decades. In terms of congregations, they are distinguished between early established congregations that have been in continuous existence, and early congregations that ceased to exist (wikipedia).
01. Quba Masjid, Saudi Arabia



02. Al-Masjid al-Nabawi, Saudi Arabia

03. Masjid al-Qiblatain, Saudi Arabia


04. Jawatha Masjid, Saudi Arabia

Masjid al-Haram, Saudi Arabia

06. Great Masjid of Kufa, Iraq


Masjid of Uqba, Tunisia


Imam Hussain Masjid, Iraq

Al-Aqsa Masjid, Jerusalem

Al-Zaytuna Masjid, Tunisia

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Friday, 22 April 2011

:I: M - T :I: Peru | Mysterious Walls




:I: M - T :I: Sahih Bukhari Hadith

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Thursday, 21 April 2011

:I: M - T :I: AL -e- Imran (63 TO 77) and Belief In Angels...



Friends today I am sending you all Sura #003 AL -e- Imran (63 – 77) and

Belief In Angels..... .. ... 


Please Listen and Read Carefully.


And please pray for all.


Thanks in advance



Belief  In  Angels

The Angels Are Part  Of The Unseen World
About Which ALLAH Subhana Talah The Exalted,
Has Informed His Messenger
MUHAMMAD  Peace Be Upon Him.
The Angels Are Honorable Slaves Of ALLAH Subhana Talah..
ALLAH Subhana Talah Created The Angels To Worship Him,
And Charged Them With Duties That They Fulfill Obediently
As ALLAH The Exalted,
Mentions In The Holy Quran Rebuffing
Thus What Some People Falsely Believe That
The Angels Are The Intercessors And The Daughters Of
It Is Also Imperative To Believe In What ALLAH Subhana Talah
And What PROHPHET MUHAMMAD PBUH, Have Informed About
Them, Including The Fact That Jibrael Allaye Salam Is One Of Them,
And That He Was The One Who Brought Down Revelation
To The Messenger Of ALLAH.

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